Hi !

about ian carolyn sawyer and roan

Moments are not lost… But time is the one thing we have been given, and we have been given to time. Time gives us a whirl.


As a professional photographer, i’ve worked for years in countries that ive dreamed of visiting with family. After many years of dreaming, we had the opportunity to pull my boys out of school and spend a year worldschooling and searving alongside compassion based organizations. Without having everything planned, we launched out on an ambitious 10 month journey with the hopes of circling the globe, seeing beautiful places, searving the poor and asking God to guide our steps for His names sake. With camera in hand, we are hoping to be more than just travelers for the sake of bucketlisting, our main goal is to travel with purpose and with the intention of being a blessing. We’ve found the most richest and fun moments for us are in seeing firsthand what God is doing globally, and getting a chance to be a small part of that.


Hi my name is Sawyer I like to know that people are reading the blog. I like to meet people and see their cultures it’s something new for me to experience.  If you see anyone I know, tell them i said HI!


As a writer, I’ve always loved the last verse in john…”Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” As I write this little bio, the truth of this sentence resounds… describing all jesus has done in my life and how it lead us to this journey would take too many chapters to unfold.

Half a life ago, I went to west africa to volunteer on a hospital ship. What I saw an experienced there — of poverty and hurt, hope, hospitality and joy-transcending circumstance — changed my life and trajectory.

I left africa, unprepared for such a long absence from land and mission I loved. Twenty years, a husband, two kids, and many prayers, tears and dreams later, we boarded a flight from new york to dublin… embarking on this adventure of unknown duration and mostly unplanned destinations.

Our motivation: live open-handed, open-hearted. seek god’s direction. listen. learn, discover. serve.

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel one said, “I asked for wonder, and he gave it to me.”  In the wonder of His love, we wander on…


Hi my name is roan. I am 9 years old and I am traveling around the world. I like playing football (that’s what they call soccer in most of the world)  I miss home but I like traveling because I learn different ways of doing stuff..i learned that chai tea is really good in india  – and that people eat with their hands in ethiopia – and that most of the children in rwanda don’t have any toys.  I like friend making and chocolate.